
Your potential is enough.

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No matter what it is you are dealing with right now, it is going to pass, and you are going to be okay. It might not feel like that now, but your potential is enough to get you through any situation or circumstance. Unlocking your potential will require stretching, embracing the discomfort and playing the long game. You can’t know your potential until you step outside your Comfort Zone. All we need to crack any situation is in us; we need to stay in the moment and dig deep to find solutions to our problems. Nothing lasts forever; everything is transient, constantly changing, and impermanent.

There is no one like you, and you are beautiful and made to deal with any situation trusted upon you. You are here to unleash your greatness, unlock your potential and become the best version of yourself. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once noted: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Your greatest achievement in life is to unlock your potential and become what you are meant to be. As the saying goes, GOD’s gift to us is our potential, and what we do with that potential is our gift back to him. It is never too late to be who you might have become, you are never too young to learn, never too old to change. You are specially and uniquely made to unlock your potential by solving the puzzles of life that come in the form of trials, pain, suffering and heartbreak. Our happiness is ultimately derived from recycling our pain and suffering with purpose.



If you are aware of yourself and your ability to improve, if you develop the abilities you already possess, and if you make the daily choices that help you improve, you will reach your full potential. 1

Too many people hear the word capacity and assume it’s a limitation. They assume their capacity is set—especially if they’re beyond a certain age. People give up on the idea that their capacity or their potential can grow. All they do is try to manage whatever they think they’ve got. That’s too confining. Instead, we need to define our world and ourselves in terms of our possibilities.

What stops people from reaching their potential often isn’t lack of desire but lack of awareness. Unfortunately, people don’t become self-aware accidentally. On top of that, factors such as excuses, success fantasies that are ungrounded in reality, talking without listening to others, unresolved negative emotions, habitual self-distraction, absence of personal reflection, and unwillingness to pay the price to gain experience all work against us and prevent us from developing greater self-awareness.

“The difference between average thinkers and good thinkers is like the difference between ice cubes and icebergs. Ice cubes are small and short-lived. Icebergs are huge, and there is much more to them than meets the eye. Their potential is enormous.”


Most people only use about 10 percent of their potential; if they use as much as 25 percent, they’re called geniuses. If we can go from using 10 percent of our potential to using 20 percent, we could double our productivity and still have 80 percent of our potential untapped.

How to Unlock Your Potential

Look up. 

The first thing is to look up and find a model, somebody who is doing a better job than you are. Are there any people that you know who are reaching more of their potential now than ever before because they know you? Can you think of anything better as a parent, an employer, or a pastor to do for others than to help unlock their potential by being a model for them? Nothing can be more challenging than to be the person whom others look up to.

Give Up. 

To reach your potential, we must give up at any moment all that we are in order to receive what we can be- come. Many people don’t understand this. They want to hang on to what they are and at the same time be all they can be. You have to let go.

Fire Up

“Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life that he is living, the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing; until there ceases to be forever beating at the door of his soul a desire to do something larger which he seeks and knows he was meant and intended to do.” – Phillips Brook

Show Up

Nothing will help you reach your potential like facing the challenges of your life. Some people never become all they can be because when they see a challenge coming, they fail to show up for the match. They close the door and hide in the corner while the challenge is met by someone else. Don’t be intimidated by challenges: Meet them head- on.

Go Up

Go up. If we look up to a person who is reaching his or her potential, if we give up anything that hinders us from being our best, if we fire up our desires until we are no longer satisfied, and if we show up to our challenges and not become fearful, then we will go up. We’ll go up to the top of our potential—but only after we look up, give up, fire up, and show up.


  • Daily Calm with Tamara Levitt – Peace and Ease.
  • We often face circumstances that we can’t immediately change, and we experience resistance to what is happening. We can move through life with peace and ease only when we stop fighting for what it is.

Daily Jay with Jay Shetty – Sensations vs Emotions

  • It is not always easy to tease apart our feelings but when we do, we can respond with true intention.

All the Best in your quest to get better. Don’t Settle: Live with Passion.

Lifelong Learner | Entrepreneur | Digital Strategist at Reputiva LLC | Marathoner | Bibliophile |

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