
Whitney Wolfe Herd MasterClass: Rewriting the Rules of Business and Life.

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When she launched a dating app that put women first, Whitney Wolfe Herd rewrote the rules of relationships—and business. Now the mold-breaking tech founder and Bumble Inc. CEO teaches you to follow your ambition with confidence and become a true innovator. Make the first move at work, be your own kind of leader, build a viral brand, reboot your creativity, and redefine success. Or do all of the above, the way only you can.

Without consulting a single business book, Whitney Wolfe Herd became the youngest woman ever to take a company public—and she transformed Bumble Inc. from a hybrid team working out of a house to a billion-dollar business. And she did it all by stepping out of line. Now she’s teaching you how to find and claim the white space in a crowded market, build your confidence, and define the impact you want to create in the world.

Rule 1: Start with a Big Problem

  • Assumption: Come up with a big idea to make a big profit
  • Rewrite the rules: Come up with an idea that solves a problem and also ties into your core values and experiences

Big Idea = Big Problem

Problem: The internet and relationships were toxic and broken

Solution: Merci – The first ever positive and kind social network. Make kindness and love go viral.

Identify what you’re looking for

  • What feels broken in society or you life?
  • What do you wish existed?
  • What do you wish was different?

Whitney started Bumble as a way to try to solve shame and harassment online. Create a kind social network

Rule 2: Identify your customers

  • Assumption:  Dating apps should target male audiences
  • Rewrite the rules: Focus on women who want new dating rules. Women choose first

Define the White Space

This means finding the audience or a group of individuals that are neglected or overlooked. The power of one is symbolic for the power of many. If one person is frustrated about something, there is many more of those people.

Bumble’s White Space: Women were treated unfairly in relationships.

That’s the way it was but that’s not the way it has to be

Finding the white space for bumble

What do women want?

What do they not want?

Figure out what they don’t want and build what they do want

Find one person that is frustrated about one thing and see what you can build upon that.

There were more single women, more ambitious  but relationships were as toxic as ever

A white space is where the unspoken, unmet needs of customers are discovered in order to spark innovation. It’s a business process used to uncover opportunities, like new audiences and product improvements.

  • Look at existing models
  • Pinpoint what you can fix
  • Bumble: Women make the first move and the receiving end has 24 hours to respond

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Lifelong Learner | Entrepreneur | Digital Strategist at Reputiva LLC | Marathoner | Bibliophile |

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