Dream as if you‘ll live forever. Live as if you‘ll die today. – James Dean
What are you going to do with your ONE precious life? This life is not a drill; it could end any time without warning. We hear it all the time, “Life is Short,” but we don’t live our lives like it could end anytime sooner or later we are all going to DIE. Most of us think we have time, and we live in “Someday Isles.” We say ‘Someday I’ll start my blog, ‘Someday I’ll start the business, Someday I’ll do this and do that but the only time we have is NOW.
We all realize the brevity of life differently; it may be through the death of a parent or a sibling, the diagnosis of a terminal illness or a life-shattering event. In Life, You are either heading to a storm, going through a storm, or heading to a storm. Tupac died as 25, John Lenon at 40, Kobe Bryant at 41 and Micheal Jackson at 50, you and I do not know how long or short our life is going to be hence the need for a sense of urgency.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift––that is why it is called the present.
Do your best, add value to people while you are here, and have a sense of urgency as your life could end anytime. Follow your Bliss, dare to live your highest life possible, Dream, Live, and Love. As clergyman, Newman, John Henry once quipped, “Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.”
Here are some great quotes on having a sense of urgency:
- “Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” – Jim Rohn
- “Transformation of an enterprise begins with a sense of crisis, or urgency.” – Louis V. Gerstner Jr
- “You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.”- H Jackson Brown Jr.
- “The trouble is you think you have time.”– Buddha
- ” Success requires both urgency and patience. Be urgent about making the effort, and patient about seeing the results.” – Ralph Marston

6, “Everyone should have a sense of urgency — it is getting a lot done in a short period of time in a calm, confident manner.”– Bob Proctor
7. “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough. We must apply. Being willing is not enough. We must do.” — Leonardo da Vinci
8. “People who bring transformative change have courage, know how to re-frame the problem and have a sense of urgency.” Malcolm Gladwell
9. “Though we are optimistic, we must remain vigilant and maintain a sense of urgency.”-Jeff Bezos
10. “Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it.” – Nike

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