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“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of…
Bad vibe is like porn; we know it when we see it. To paraphrase author Will Bowen, Bad vibration is like bad breath. We…
Greek philosopher Aristotle once quipped: “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or…
If you knew how powerful and awesome you are by default and design, you would embrace your awesomeness and magnificence. I don’t blame you…
Good habits are hard to form but easy to maintain, while Bad Habits are easy to form but hard to break. “As the saying…
One of the surefire ways to fix a bad habit is to add friction to the habit. Changing a bad habit requires steadily replacing…
Your path to greatness will be filled with obstacles, challenges, opportunities, near-misses, failure, mistakes, self-doubt, naysayers, yay-sayers, doubters, supporters and a roller coaster of storms and battles. The…
To sour with the eagles, you don’t flock with the chickens. The eagle is a special kind of bird, it flies at high altitudes where no other birds…
So throughout this journey, I have learned to block everything out and focus on my truth. I had to answer some basic questions for myself: Who am I? …
American businesswoman and Information Technology Executive Marissa Mayer who was Google’s employer #20 and former spokeswoman. She served as president and chief executive officer of Yahoo!, from 2012 to 2017. She delivered…
Financial journalist and American author Michael Lewis delivered his “Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie” speech at the 2012 Princeton Baccalaureate graduation event. Lewis is a member of Princeton’s Class…
American comedian Stephen Colbert delivered the commencement address to the graduating seniors at Knox College.
Fearlessness means taking the first step, even if you don’t know where it will take you. It means being driven by a higher purpose, rather than by applause.…
In 2001, writer and former editor at Newsweek Devin Gordon wrote a profile about American professional golfer Tiger Wood which is still as relevant as ever. I first became…
There will always be something to do, my boy;There will always be wrongs to right;There will always be need for a manly breedAnd men unafraid to fight.There will…
“With the possible exception of Henry Ford, Sam Walton is the entrepreneur of the century.”- TOM PETERS, co-author of In Search of Excellence Henry Ford was a man…
Patrick Collison (born 9 September 1988) is an Irish billionaire entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and CEO of Stripe, which he started with his younger brother, John, in 2010. Patrick is…
If you were to look at my cheat sheet, there wouldn’t be a lot on it. There would be a tennis ball, a circle, and the number 30,000. …
Ms. Amina J. Mohammed is the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Mohammed served as…
Leadership is a matter of how to be, not how to do it. – Frances Hesselbein Frances Hesselbein (born 1 November 1915) is the former CEO of the Girl Scouts of…
Walter Isaacson’s Biography on the late founder of Apple is a great book based on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs conducted over two years—as well as…
One of the most exciting habits that I formed during the covid-19 pandemic lockdown is meditation. I start the day by meditating with the Calm Mental Health App…
Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. 1 When it comes to the arts, passion should always trump common sense.…
The hardest part of starting anything worthwhile is the start. When you start, the universe conspire to make your dreams come true. You don’t have to be great…
New Years Resolution is a ritual most of us participate in on a yearly basis. We set attributional goals such as saving more, reading more books, becoming a…