As the #1 New York Times bestselling author of 20 books—three of which have been adapted into Oscar-nominated movies—Michael Lewis is one of the most respected and influential writers of our time. In his “Tell a Great Story” masterclass, he discusses how to create clear, compelling narratives that entertain, engage, and have the power to change lives. He also shares strategies, tips and techniques that hook any audience.
His 2023 release, “Going Infinite,” became an instant bestseller. Beyond his awards, including a Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Journalism, he’s had wild commercial success for his storytelling prowess. Now he shares how to make any topic interesting—on the page and in life.
The Power of Storytelling
- Facts are dry; they don’t stick in people’s minds. If you give people a good story, they will remember the facts in the story. You gotta organize the data into a story.
Liar’s Poker
- Lewis’s experience as a bond salesman on Wall Street during the late 1980s. It is a lesson on how to use your experience to find good stories.
Use your experiences to find good stories
- The biggest mistake writers make is to think that the story is inside them instead of outside them.
George Plimpton
Plimpton was famous for competing in professional sporting events and then recording the experience from the point of view of an amateur. “As a ‘participatory journalist,’ Mr. Plimpton believed that it was not enough for writers of nonfiction to simply observe; they needed to immerse themselves in whatever they were covering to understand fully what was involved. For example, he believed that football huddles and conversations on the bench constituted a ‘secret world, and if you’re a voyeur, you want to be down there, getting it firsthand’.”
Tell the story that entertain and Engage You.
Embrace Curiosity to find your story
Pay attention to your curiosity because your curiosity will lead to your passion on the page. You can interest a reader on anything, it doesn’t have to be about a famous person or important thing. It could be about the most seemingly trivial thing, you can make it interesting. Note your curiosity, pursue it without fear that what you are interested in is not what others are interested in. Reduce it like you are boiling it down to its essence.

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