The Servus Calgary Marathon was the fourth and last marathon for May 2023. I ran four full marathons in May, and the Calgary Marathon was the toughest as I walked the last 7 KM of the marathon. I finished with 4 hours 31 minutes, running 168.8 KM in May. I ran the following marathons in May – Toronto Marathon (Ontario), Fredericton Marathon (New Brunswick), Halifax Marathon (Nova Scotia) and the Calgary Marathon (Alberta).

Everything was going well until I hit the wall at 30 KM, and my hip gave up on me; I guess running three back-to-back marathons started taking a toll on me. I did not pace myself well for the marathon as I focused more on finishing with a sub 3 hours 30 minutes instead of pacing myself effectively.
Finisher Certificate – Calgary Marathon 2023

All the Best in your quest to get Better. Don’t Settle: Live with Passion.
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