
Hillary Rodham Clinton Teaches The Power of Resilience.

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Hillary Rodham Clinton was the first woman to be nominated for the presidency by a major political party in the U.S. and the first woman to win the popular vote. She was New York’s first female senator, and so far she is the only First Lady (the official title of a U.S. president’s wife) to serve in elected office.

The core of being resilient is to have strong values and a sense of mission.

Standing for Something

As an undergraduate at Wellesley College in Massachusetts (where she briefly led the Young Republicans Club), Hillary was selected by her classmates to speak at their graduation; she went offscript and voiced her generation’s frustrations with the elders who told them to slow down and wait their turn. “We feel that for too long our leaders have viewed politics as the art of the possible,” she said. “And the challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible possible.” Her speech caused such a stir that she was featured in LIFE magazine, at the time a prominent American periodical.

Meeting Bill Clinton

Continuing her education at Yale Law School in Connecticut, Hillary interned with a nonprofit
organization called the Children’s Defense Fund, going undercover to expose segregationist policies in Southern schools. (Also at Yale, she met a fellow student named Bill Clinton. They married in 1975, and Bill became America’s forty-second president in 1993.) She returned to the organization after graduating, starting down a path of children’s and women’s rights advocacy that would follow her from then on.

Public Service

Bill Clinton served as governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and again from 1983 to 1992. As the
state’s First Lady, Hillary oversaw a task force on educational standards; as America’s First Lady (1993 to 2001), she pioneered an insurance program that extended coverage to millions of American kids; and as secretary of state for President Barack Obama (2009 to 2013), she visited a record number of foreign countries, championed women’s rights nearly everywhere she went, and created
the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues, a division of the State Department.


Values are things that you believe are important in your life, in your work, in your community that you stand for, speak out for, work for, defend. Clearly defined values can guide you toward your
highest aspirations and get you through the times when all seems lost. Example of values include bravery, kindness, integrity, honesty and service.

People who try to understand their values…are going to end up more fulfilled than people who think, ‘What should I do?’ or, ‘What do my parents want me to do?’ or ‘What does society expect me to do?’ Those are not the key questions. The question is, What do you care about doing?”

Research suggests that people who know their purpose have built-in strategies for managing
stress and compelling reasons to take good physical and emotional care of themselves. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, people who live with purpose are less likely to die from heart attacks and circulatory conditions. Other studies
have indicated that purpose-driven people might be less prone to cognitive ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. And they’re more likely to get routine cancer screenings and flu shots, which keep them healthier in the long and short terms.

Mission Statement

Defines who you are as a person, embodies your convictions and identifies your purpose. Figure out how to create a life that actively pursues that purpose. On your path to achieving your mission in life, you’ll encounter obstacles but remember to: learn from setbacks, seek out trusted advisers and find go-to mantras (Let us not go weary of doing good, for in due season we sill reap, if we do not give up.)

Set mini goals and macro goals and then work backwards. Take bite-size pieces and build up on it.

Hillary Clintons Framework for Hardwork

Four Work-Ethic Principles: Prioritize, Sweat the details, Be a workhorse, not a show horse, always keep going.

Be a workhorse, not a show horse


Someone who works hard, is reliable, and delivers impactful results to the mission at hand.


Someone who is surface level, cares more about promoting their accolades and tries to take the easy way out.

Working smarter means knowing when to take a break.

On Resilience

Resilience is defined by the American Psychological Association as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.”

Crucially, “adapting well” does not mean ignoring one’s emotional response to adverse events and stressors; it means facing one’s emotions, feeling them, maintaining perspective, and seeking some meaning (even in the terrible).


A major component of resilience is a firm “internal locus of control,” a concept developed by American psychologist Julian B. Rotter in the 1950s. Resilient people, researchers have found, believe that they are in charge of their lives.


Relationship-building—connecting with others for support and staying close with loved ones who validate you and shore you up—is another tool for adapting to stress, trauma, and tragedy. Helping others is, wonderfully, particularly beneficial: Doing so imbues a sense of greater purpose and cultivates human connection.


Everyone from a professional athlete to a top-ranking politician can feel anxious when facing a high-stakes challenge, and the great among them use that adrenaline as a way to enhance their craft instead of letting it overwhelm them. In lower-stakes settings, fear can force you to name what you’re scared of, determine if your fear is rational, and make an informed decision to do a scary thing anyway.


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