The 30th edition of the Montreal Marathon was held on September 24, 2023. It was my second half-marathon of the year and I ran a personal best time of 1 hour 33 minutes. The half-marathon is a warm-up run as part of my ten Canadian province challenge, wherein I am running a marathon across the ten Canadian provinces. I have already run six and I have four more to go. It is always great to run a personal best and dig deep inside to push oneself to the next level. As the saying goes, we play the way; we train. I had recently run a personal best for the full marathon two weeks earlier in Regina, Saskatchewan. I ran a time of 3 hours 20 minutes which is a reduction of 24 minutes to my former personal best which I ran in the 2022 Montreal Beneva Marathon.
It is great to see the hard work finally begin to add up and make more sense. Prior to these back-to-back personal best runs, I had increased my weekly running volume to around 90-100 KM. In the months of June and July, I was averaging at least 10 miles per day. I still have a long way to go to qualify for the Boston Marathon. My personal best is presently 3:20 and I need a time of 3:05 for Boston. I am getting closer and it is going to require more more and consistency.

- Daily Calm with Tamara Levitt -Love and Acceptance
- Even though challenges are a part of life, it isn’t easy when we are in them. It is helpful to remember that: All challenges come and all challenges go.
- Affirmations: May I be happy and learn and grow from all my challenges. May I accept myself just as I am. May I be kind to myself,
Daily Jay with Jay Shetty – Unlikely Teachers
- I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers. – Khalil Gibran
- We can’t control how other people behave; we are all on our own separate paths at different points on our journeys. Sometimes we are going to run into people whose behaviour we don’t like, it can be easy to let them bring you down, but with patience and intention, you can learn from them. Instead of letting your frustration overwhelm you, identify what actions or traits make you bristle, then engage in some self-reflection.
- When your dinner is printed with Eshchar Ben-Shitrit of Redefine Meat | How I Built This with Guy Raz
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